The 10 best React admin templates

Allie Beazell
Allie Beazell

Jun 30, 2020

There comes a time when every developer must pay the admin panel toll. Some enjoy the work, and some would prefer to work on the core product; either way your team needs to interact with the database, and those numbers aren't going to chart themselves. Thankfully, if you're using React, there are a bunch or pre-made templates available to build off of. This piece will cover your best options and help you figure out what to use for your project.

The 10 Best React Admin Templates in 2023

React admin templates are templates for admin dashboards that are built in React and can be customized to fit your needs. Most templates come loaded with features for UIs, widgets, and apps, plus the ability to add custom React components.

Some important features to be on the lookout for:

  • Multi-browser support (for at least Firefox, Safari, and Chrome)
  • Data handling with Redux
  • Light and dark mode functionality (all the cool kids use dark mode)
  • Color schemes to choose from

For each template, we’ll cover:

  • Price — Cost to purchase the template
  • UI components — The number of UI components, like buttons and menus
  • Prebuilt pages — Website landing pages, like Login and Error pages
  • Prebuilt applications — Fully functional applications, like a ToDo List
  • Prebuilt dashboards — Fully functional and customizable dashboards

1. Material Dashboard React: Best for free

Every React admin template in this list is priced over $20 (except for one $9 one). If you’re on a tight budget, Material Dashboard React has a free tier. While the paid version includes 200 UI components and eight sample apps, the free version still has 30 UI components available and seven sample apps, so you’re still got a bunch to work with.

Price: Free
UI Components: 30
Prebuilt Pages:

  • Auth:
    • Lock Screen
    • Log-in
    • Register
  • Error
  • Pricing
  • Timeline
  • User Profile

Click here for a live preview.

2. EasyDev: Best for beginners

Most React admin templates in this list have a seed project to get you started on building your app, but EasyDev has that and much more. With EasyDev, you’ll find thoroughly commented code, substantial documentation, and video tutorials to help you. If you’re new to React, this is a great template to start with.

Price: $28
UI Components: 200+
Prebuilt Pages:

  • Calendar
  • Error
  • FAQs
  • Gallery
  • Invoices
  • Pricing
  • Project Summary
  • Search Results

Prebuilt Apps:

  • Chat
  • Email
  • To-Do

Prebuilt Dashboards:

  • Booking
  • Crypto
  • Ecommerce
  • Fitness

Click here for a live preview.

3. Clean UI: Best for simple UIs

Many of the React admin templates in this list are built on the principles from Material Design, a design language developed by Google, but Clean UI is based on Ant Design, a design language and framework aimed at enterprise applications. Clean UI has exactly what the name states: a clean user interface that’s not overcomplicated with lots of colors and themes.

Price: $9
UI Components: 99+
Prebuilt Pages:

  • Auth:
    • Forgot Password
    • Lock Screen
    • Log-in
    • Register
  • Ecommerce Pages:
    • Cart
    • Orders
    • Product Catalog
    • Product Details
  • Error

Prebuilt Apps:

  • Calendar
  • Gallery
  • Mail
  • Messaging
  • Profile

Prebuilt Dashboards:

  • Ecommerce
  • Jira
  • Jira Agile
  • Help Desk

Click here for a live preview.

4. Jumbo: Best for UI Components

While every React admin template in this list has a good number of reusable UI components to choose from, Jumbo has the most extensive list. With more than 450 UI components (including carousels, popovers, progress bars, subscription bars, and user statistics), this template makes it easy to customize your admin dashboard with very little custom code.

Price: $24
UI Components: 300+
Prebuilt Pages:

  • About Us
  • Auth:
    • Forgot Password
    • Lock Screen
    • Log-in
    • Sign-up
  • Blog
  • Calendar
  • Contact Us
  • Ecommerce
    • Product List
    • Product View
  • Error
  • FAQ
  • Portfolio

Prebuilt Apps:

  • Chat
  • Contact
  • Mail
  • Profile
  • To-Do
  • Wall

Prebuilt Dashboards:

  • CRM
  • Crypto
  • Ecommerce
  • Intranet
  • Listing
  • News

Click here for a live preview.

5. Wieldy: Best for easily customized layouts

In every React admin template on this list, you’ll find more than one layout option. For some, that just means having the navigation panel on the left or right. Wieldy is the only React admin template on this list to offer 10 different layout options. You can choose to have a clean layout with the admin panel behind a hamburger menu or move the panel to the top, and you also have clear control over what data and menu options are displayed in the panel.

Price: $24
UI Components: 50+
Prebuilt Pages:

  • Auth:
    • Forgot Password
    • Lock Screen
    • Sign-in
    • Sign-up
    • Reset Password
  • Callout
  • Error
  • Ecommerce
    • Pricing Table
    • Product Grid
    • Product List
  • List
    • Plain List
    • Divider List
    • Cards List
  • Testimonials

Prebuilt Apps:

  • Chat
  • Contacts
  • Mail
  • Notes
  • To-Do

Prebuilt Dashboards:

  • CRM
  • Crypto
  • Listing

Click here for a live preview.

6. Fuse: Best for Oms/Ecommerce

Almost every option in this list has a template for ecommerce, but Fuse has multiple templates for ecommerce that have useful components, including product lists, detailed product displays, and, particularly notable, order-processing information displays that have sections for order status, invoices, payment, shipping, and even a Google Maps integration.

Price: $28
UI Components: 65+
Prebuilt Pages:

  • Auth:
    • Forgot Password
    • Lock Screen
    • Log-in
    • Mail Confirmation
    • Register
    • Reset Password
  • Coming Soon
  • Error
  • FAQ
  • Invoices
  • Knowledge Base
  • Maintenance
  • Pricing
  • Profile
  • Search

Prebuilt Apps:

  • Academy
  • Calendar
  • Chat
  • Contacts
  • Ecommerce
  • File Manager
  • Mail
  • Notes
  • Scrum Board
  • To-Do

Prebuilt Dashboards:

  • Analytics
  • Project

Click here for a live preview.

7. Reactify: Best for SaaS dashboards

If you’re building a customer facing app, Reactify is an excellent option. Reactify developers specifically studied the requirements for SaaS applications — like project management, task management, and sales analytics — and designed this template with that in mind. It should be noted that if you plan to sell the application you build with Reactify, you are required to purchase an extended license for $699.

Price: $24
UI Components: 300+
Prebuilt Pages:

  • FAQ
  • Feedback
  • Gallery
  • Pricing
  • Report
  • Terms & Conditions

Prebuilt Apps:

  • Chat
  • Inbox
  • To-Do

Prebuilt Dashboards:

  • Agency
  • CRM
  • Ecommerce
  • News
  • SaaS

Click here for a live preview.

8. Dandelion Pro: Best for sending email

Dandelion Pro is the only React admin template we found that has email templates. You can configure newsletters, promotions, transaction emails, and user notifications with their prebuilt email templates and set them up to send via your application.

Price: $24
UI Components: 40+
Prebuilt Pages:

  • Auth:
    • Error
    • Lock Screen
    • Log-in
    • Register
    • Reset Password
  • Blog
    • Home Page
    • Article
  • Coming Soon
  • Help
  • Maintenance
  • Photo Gallery
  • Pricing
  • Settings
  • User Profile

Prebuilt Apps:

  • Chat
  • Contact
  • Calendar
  • Ecommerce
  • Email
  • Timeline
  • To-Do

Prebuilt Dashboards:

  • CRM
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Personal

Click here for a live preview.

9. Gogo: Best for user surveys

Many of the React admin templates in this list have some combination of prebuilt applications to start off with, from ecommerce to messaging and to-do applications. Gogo is the only React admin template that has a survey app template.

Price: $24
UI Components: 85+
Prebuilt Pages:

  • Auth:
    • Error
    • Forgot Password
    • Log-in
    • Register
    • Reset Password
  • Blog
    • List
    • Detail
  • FAQ
  • Invoice
  • Knowledge Base
  • List
    • Data
    • Thumbnail
    • Image
    • Detail
  • Mailing
  • Prices
  • Search
  • Social Profile

Prebuilt Apps:

  • Chat
  • Survey
  • To-Do

Prebuilt Dashboards:

  • Analytics
  • Ecommerce
  • Content

Click here for a live preview.

10. Fortress: Best for code generation

Most of the React admin templates in this guide have prebuilt apps and dashboards that you can copy and tweak. This can be useful when creating generic dashboard applications, but if you want to dig into the code and really customize your dashboard, those options don’t quite cut it. With Fortress, you can generate React code right from the command line, including components, containers, routes, and tests.

Price: $34
UI Components: 75+
Prebuilt Dashboards:

  • General Admin

Click here for a live preview.


Allie Beazell
Allie Beazell
Jun 30, 2020