The best Vue admin dashboard templates 2023

Subha Chanda
Subha Chanda

Jul 21, 2022

At Retool, we consider ourselves somewhat obsessed with admin panels. Because we build internal tools for a variety of companies, from budding startups to Fortune 500s, we witness the importance of these simple but necessary tools, and some really awesome admin panel applications and builds.

With that said, we wanted to select four high quality admin dashboard templates for those of you building apps in Vue. We’ve chosen them based on three primary criteria: price, customizability, and ease of use.


The Vuexy template is based on the Vuesax framework. The Vuesax framework is an open source framework of components based on Vue.js. The framework makes designing beautiful, highly performant applications faster. The source code of Vuesax is available on GitHub.
The Vuexy template costs $35 USD, and offers a lot for the price. The template is based on Bootstrap 4 and 5, Bootstrap Vue, and Reactstrap, and purchasing the template gives you access to Vue, React, Angular, and HTML-based templates. So no matter what framework you're using, you can get started with Vuexy quickly. The Vue template is based on the Composition API. It also supports internationalization, and has a built-in customizer to help you design your application in the way you want.

The Vuexy template offers over a hundred pre-designed pages, such as authorization pages, user settings, blogs, FAQs, and knowledge bases. They also offer several ready-made applications, such as invoicing, a to-do list, and e-commerce, and an impressive selection of components, enabling you to create exactly what you need.


Gull is based on Bootstrap Vue, and at $24 USD, it's less expensive than Vuexy. Even though the price is reasonable, it doesn't compromise quality. It has four dashboard layouts, allowing you to choose which suits you the best, and also offers a dark mode and right-to-left support. The Gull dashboard template also comes with several ready-made pages, and has built-in applications like an invoice builder, chat, and calendar. It also offers a wide array of built-in components. Gull's UI kits are robust enough that you should be able to develop any dashboard you want.

The theme is well documented, so you won't have any problem working with it. When you purchase it, you also get access to the PSD files, which you can use if you want to customize the look and feel of the template to match your branding or other internal tools. Also included is an HTML version of the theme, built with jQuery and Bootstrap. The dashboard template is regularly updated, and new applications are added frequently.


The Materio admin dashboard template is based on Vuetify. Vuetify is a Vue UI library with Material components. This framework makes it easy to design beautiful, user-friendly sites. The dashboard template has a great design, and while the standard versions cost $49 USD, there's also a free version. The free version has fewer customization options and less support, but allows you to get to know the templates before you commit.

The paid Materio template has two versions, Vue and Vue + Laravel, which is recommended if you're looking for a full-stack dashboard. Both versions offer six built-in layouts to choose from—or, if you don't like any of the layouts, you can design your own version using the components. The Materio templates are fast and highly customizable, and are based on Vue's latest Composition API, which groups logical concerns together, making it easier to build readable and maintainable components. The template also supports internationalization and right-to-left languages.

The templates have built-in lazy loading and fuzzy search, so you don't have to worry about trying to create these functionalities. They come with pre-built applications like invoices, calendars, chats, and emails, and there are more than thirty pre-built pages, including a knowledge base, FAQ, and pricing page.

Vue Notus

Up to this point, you've been looking at paid dashboard templates. Now, let's look at a free one. The Vue Notus template is a popular, open source dashboard template created and maintained by Creative Tim. It's made with Tailwind CSS, an open source, class-based CSS framework.

Even though the template is free, it comes with a lot of great features. It's extensively documented, so it's easy to get started. The template comes with pre-built dropdowns, menus, modals, and tool-tips, as well as landing, login, and registration pages that you can use straight out of the box or customize as you desire.
Because the template design is heavily based on variables, it's easily customized by changing the colors, font sizes, or other element values. Though features and support are more limited than the other options, this is a good choice if you need an inexpensive template that still looks great.

Need an admin panel fast?

You've covered some of the best Vue admin dashboard templates, but if you are creating internal admin panels from scratch, you can try Retool. Internal apps need a few building blocks to get started, most importantly tables, lists, charts, forms, and maps. These are available amongst over 90 drag-and-drop components on Retool, greatly simplifying app creation.

At the same time, we made Retool highly hackable. You can write JavaScript almost anywhere by wrapping your code curly brackets, like so: {{ Math.max(select1.value, 10) }}. We support a wide range of databases, from AWS Redshift all the way down to Google Sheets, and allow you to connect to them using REST, GraphQL, or gRPC API.

Give us a try for free and let us know how it goes!


Subha Chanda
Subha Chanda
Jul 21, 2022