Weekly Shopify Order Report

Generate a comprehensive weekly report summarizing your Shopify orders. Get insights into sales performance, order volume, top-selling products, revenue trends, and customer behavior. Stay informed about your Shopify business with this insightful weekly order report.

Workflows Automation screenshot

How this template works

Retool Workflows is a fast way for developers to automate cron jobs, custom alerts, and ETL tasks.

Learn more about how Workflows works
  1. Click 'Try this in Retool' to import this workflow and create an organization.
  2. Edit your generated workflow by designating a trigger, querying against databases or APIs, and visualizing logic paths directly on the canvas.
  3. Extend your automations even further by shaping your data with JavaScript or Python, executing conditional logic, and setting up custom error handling for full visibility into running jobs.

Why Workflows?

Go beyond simple "if this, then that" integration tools. Connect your data sources, from local databases to third-party SaaS tooling, and write custom logic to define a series of tasks to connect, transform, and update your data. Automate everything from report generation, to churn analysis, to complex infrastructure maintenance tasks.

Learn more about Workflows →
Trigger Workflow Step
Get Orders Workflow Step
New Orders Workflow Step
Branch Workflow Step
Notify Workflow Step
Orders to Escalate Workflow Step
Sorted Orders Workflow Step
Post Escalation Workflow Step
Slack Notification

Built for developers

View customer stories 
Kiwi Icon

David Boskovitz

Software Engineer at Kiwi

Retool allows us to deliver a ton of internal apps fast. These apps are critical to the business, but our engineers rarely have time. With Retool, you can go from idea to app instantly. Our operations are significantly more effective.

Plaid Icon

Jean-Denis Greze

CTO at Plaid

The work our engineers have been able to do with Retool supports our goals, has made meaningful contributions to supporting our customers, and has high ROI from the engineering efforts invested so far.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Retool?toggle icon
Retool is a development platform that allows developers to quickly build custom internal tools and dashboards for their businesses. Retool offers a drag-and-drop interface and pre-built components, making it easy to create applications while writing little code.
Who uses Retool?toggle icon
Retool is used by a variety of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, across industries such as healthcare, finance, and e-commerce. Retool is particularly useful for businesses that rely heavily on internal tools and dashboards to run their operations, as it allows for the creation of custom applications tailored to their specific needs.
What databases does Retool support?toggle icon
Retool supports a wide range of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, and Google BigQuery. Retool also offers integrations with popular APIs and services such as Stripe, Twilio, and Slack, making it easy to incorporate data from these sources into Retool applications. Here is a list of all our different integrations.

Try Workflows today

Stop provisioning infrastructure and maintaining one-off scripts—focus on the code that matters.

Schedule a demo