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Investment portfolio manager

If you’re in the business of managing unique investments for clients (in this example, we are using a wine investment portfolio!), it’s critical to keep track of positions, inventory, funds, bids, and more. With Retool, you can build an app to manage unique portfolio investments within a single application.

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Investment portfolio manager

Build from a handful of drag-and-drop components

[object Object]
Table display details about an inventory and investments in a table.
[object Object]
Button execute trades with the click of a button.
[object Object]
Text Input use text inputs to add notes about inventory or filter results that show in a table (e.g., filter by SKU or order status).
[object Object]
Dropdown allow team members to select options for filtering results from a dropdown menu.
[object Object]
Tabbed Container consolidate all functions (buy, sell, bid, etc.) of your inventory manager into a single application with tabs to perform different tasks.

To create this app, you’ll need to connect to a database. Relational databases like PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, and MySQL are most common for use cases like this. Retool connects with dozens of data sources and APIs out of the box.

Step 1 Create resource1. Create resource
Step 2 Read data2. Read data
Step 3 Connect data with UI3. Connect data with UI
Dean McRobie Photo
CommonBond Icon

Dean McRobie

CTO at CommonBond

I tell every technology leader I talk to that they should look at Retool as a way to reduce the burden of building admin UIs and democratize that kind of stuff across their company.

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