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Customer 360 dashboard

With Retool, you can build an app that allows customer support teams to view customers’ activities: what they bought, what was refunded, emails they opened, surveys they’ve given, and more. Give team members the ability to quickly lookup customer information, see a complete history of interactions, and handle the customer’s issue accordingly.

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Customer 360 dashboard

Build from a handful of drag-and-drop components

[object Object]
Table display customer accounts and information about customers in a table.
[object Object]
Text Input use text input fields to add search functions by customer email or name.
[object Object]
Bar Chart surface previous customer purchases by product category.
[object Object]
Line Chart display customer purchase trends by month or year.
[object Object]
Image display a profile image of the selected customer.

This use case was originally published on the Rockset blog which details how Retool integrates with DynamoDB and Rockset.

Step 1 Create resource1. Create resource
Step 2 Read data2. Read data
Step 3 Connect data with UI3. Connect data with UI
JetFuel Icon

JJ Maxwell

Co-Founder and CRO at JetFuel

We would have had to hire 2-3 full-time engineers to build what I did in 30 minutes using Retool.

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