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Fund management tool

Asset management firms that specialize in hedge investing, private equity, and venture capital funds have to keep meticulous track of portfolios. With Retool, specialized financial institutions can build a centralized app to access relevant reports (balance sheet, income statement, open positions, realized gains/losses).

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Fund management tool

Build from a handful of drag-and-drop components

[object Object]
Dropdown select documents to view using dropdown menus.
[object Object]
Text use text components to label search inputs and dropdown menus.
[object Object]
Tabbed Container use tabbed containers to build an all-in-one app that is easy to navigate and provides a clear user experience.
[object Object]
Button add notes to reports, generate documents, and upload resources using buttons.
[object Object]
Note add notes about an action taken or context to a selected document or customer file.
[object Object]
Filepicker add files to a customer or fund record.

Connect Retool to a data source where your customer and fund data is stored. Retool works out of the box with popular databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB and can be deployed on-prem for full control over security.

Step 1 Create resource1. Create resource
Step 2 Read data2. Read data
Step 3 Connect data with UI3. Connect data with UI
Dean McRobie Photo
CommonBond Icon

Dean McRobie

CTO at CommonBond

I tell every technology leader I talk to that they should look at Retool as a way to reduce the burden of building admin UIs and democratize that kind of stuff across their company.

Try Retool today

Start building an internal tool or customer portal in under 10 minutes

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