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Inventory management dashboard

A fundamental piece to any company that sells physical goods is ensuring you have the inventory available to fulfill orders. Once you scale beyond a handful of SKUs, keeping track of inventory is no trivial task.

With Retool, you can build an inventory management dashboard to stay organized and in business. See what’s in-stock, add new SKUs, track the status of orders, and place new orders — all in one tool!

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Inventory management dashboard

Build from a handful of drag-and-drop components

[object Object]
Text provide context so that your team is clear about the discounts and offers they are approving.
[object Object]
Text Input when connected to your user database, a text input field can be used to search for an applicant by any indexed data point (e.g., name, domain, company, email).
[object Object]
Button refresh results from filters and submit deal information to a platform like Stripe.
[object Object]
Table displays a table of deal applicants that can be sorted and filtered using the search text inputs.

To explore and update user records, you’ll need to connect to a data source. In this example, we used a MySQL database but this tool could be built on top of many data sources. See Retool integrations here.

Step 1 Create resource1. Create resource
Step 2 Read data2. Read data
Step 3 Connect data with UI3. Connect data with UI
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David Boskovitz

Software Engineer at Envoy

As an engineer, I love Retool. My team now builds much-needed tools for customer support instantly. Also love how it's so hackable - there's little we can't do.

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