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Discount approval tool

Partners and affiliates are an effective channel for acquiring new customers. Often, partners will drive more customers when they have discount codes to offer to their audience. To ensure your discount codes are not abused, it's helpful to have a tool to validate, approve, and keep track of discounts and offer redemptions.

With Retool, you can build a tool that displays new users looking to redeem an offer, and that also allows you to approve or reject their application based on your terms and conditions.

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Discount approval tool

Build from a handful of drag-and-drop components

[object Object]
Text provide context so that your team is clear about the discounts and offers they are approving.
[object Object]
Date Range Picker filter results by a date range to narrow results or to view offers that are expiring soon.
[object Object]
Text Input when connected to your user database, a text input field can be used to search for an applicant by any indexed data point (e.g., name, domain, company, email).
[object Object]
Button refresh results from filters and submit deal information to a platform like Stripe.
[object Object]
Table displays a table of deal applicants that can be sorted and filtered using the search text inputs.
[object Object]
Chart display a bar chart or a line chart to see how partner deal flow is trending over time.

To explore and update applicants for discounts, you’ll need to connect to a data source. In this example, we used a PostgreSQL database, but this tool could be built on top of many data sources. You also can send responses to a platform like Stripe or Slack via API.

Step 1 Create resource1. Create resource
Step 2 Read data2. Read data
Step 3 Connect data with UI3. Connect data with UI
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David Boskovitz

Software Engineer at Envoy

As an engineer, I love Retool. My team now builds much-needed tools for customer support instantly. Also love how it's so hackable - there's little we can't do.

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