Build a Product Generator | Retool
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Product generator

If you’re building a custom application where users can purchase products, you’ll probably want an easy to use tool that allows internal team members to add and modify products. With Retool, you can build a frontend that makes it easy for your team to add new products to your inventory while including contextual metadata like product images, weight, dimensions, category, title, and description. And if they need to update a product (e.g., change an image of an existing SKU), they can easily do that from the same interface.

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Product generator

Build from a handful of drag-and-drop components

[object Object]
Text provide context, so team members have a clear understanding of what products and fields they are modifying.
[object Object]
Dropdown allows team members to select metadata about the product (e.g., product category or parent product).
[object Object]
Button once product info has been updated, buttons are used to submit and write the new information to your database.
[object Object]
Text Input give your team members the option to type in free-form text to provide context about the product (e.g., product description, title, or price).

For products to be added to your inventory or to update information on existing products, you’ll need to connect and write to a data source. Common data stores used for inventory include databases like MySQL, PostegreSQL, and MongoDB.

Step 1 Create resource1. Create resource
Step 2 Read data2. Read data
Step 3 Connect data with UI3. Connect data with UI
Rohan Chopra
DoorDash Icon

Rohan Chopra

Director of Engineering at DoorDash

Investing in internal tools used to be a difficult and polarizing trade-off; Retool helped us to shift that paradigm by making tools a quick and painless part of any project, saving us countless hours of operator and engineering time.

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