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Build internal tools with CircleCI

Retool makes it easy to build admin panels, dashboards, and utilities on top of your CircleCI data.

Retool is a great way to build internal apps on top of the CircleCI API – you can get insights on your workflows with a GET request to /insights/{project-slug}/workflows, update an environment variable with /context/{context-id}/environment-variable/{env-var-name} or trigger a new pipeline with a POST request to /project/{project-slug}/pipeline. Retool ingests CircleCI’s OpenAPI v3 spec, so you can choose any supported method and see descriptions, all in a nice pre-formatted UI.

Customers are using Retool with CircleCI to build a job approval workflow. Easily get a list of all your CircleCI jobs, filter by asssociated pipelines and workflows and answer questions like "how often has this job failed?" or "who is triggering this job the most?"

Many customers are trying to understand and forecast their CircleCI spend. They use the Insights endpoint to pull information about the number of credits used, understand which workflows are using up the most credit and tune useage accordingly.

Check out the CircleCI job approval admin panel template for a live demo, and view our docs for more info on how to get your CircleCI API key, set permissions, and send basic requests.

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Screen shot of an app using the CircleCI integration.
LeadGenius Icon

Duncan Winter

Head of Product at LeadGenius

Engineers tell me it'll take a day, but it always takes a week. Retool gives me every tool I want, in just a few hours. It's changed the trajectory of our business.

Supported operations for CircleCI

Read documentation

Understand job status with /workflow/{id}/job
GET all jobs by looping through workflows and aggregating job stats

Forecast spend with CircleCI Insights
GET credit usage and isolate expensive workflows with the /insights endpoint

Trigger jobs to rerun
POST a new pipeline or restart a job with the /project/{project-slug}/pipeline endpoint

Join with other datasources
Easily join with other Retool connected datasources like Postgres or the Github API.

In Retool, you can join CircleCI with anything

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Retool connects to most databases and nearly anything with a REST or GraphQL API. Read in data from mongoDB, join it via SQL, record user approvals, and POST the result to Stripe to create invoices.

Retool empowers you to work with all of your data sources inside of a single app.